ILAB is a foundation that facilitates for public- and privately funded research within aquaculture and sustainable land-based fish farming and fish welfare. As an integrated part of our aqua laboratory and supplying facilities, our R&D-department possesses professional scientific personnel, with relevant and necessary competence within laboratory animal care and fish welfare. We also hold a special division for laboratory fish production (Salmo salar).
Our foundation is serious about setting, achieving, and maintaining high standards for animal care and use in connection with our research assignments. Our quality policy is described in a company manual.
ILAB has implemented an online quality control system and we are certified according to ISO 9001:2015 standards. Our research facility is in addition approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA), which means that our systems include- and are in accordance with the NFSA’s regulatory requirements for laboratory animal and fish welfare.
We are aware that laws and regulations related to animal research- and welfare vary widely from country to country. However, our quality system includes all the appropriate and necessary tools to educate-, implement-, handle, report and follow imposed all necessary laws and regulations.
ILAB has its own animal welfare body with representatives from all our activities and departments. This unit monitor and follow up events concerning fish health, safety, and welfare in all ongoing experiments in collaboration with ILABs Aquamedicine biologist.